Why Portland Violence will Never Change Anything
This is a forum where we invite the libertarian community of Multnomah County to provide analysis on the current events of our county. These opinions do not represent any official position by the association of individuals at Multnomah Libertarians. Why Portland Violence will Never Change Anything - Tom Busse, a contribution for the Multnomah Libertarians News Op/Ed page. In the 1997 film, Wag the Dog ¸ a top political spin-doctor makes the following statement: It’s nothing new. During Reagan’s Administration 240 marines killed in Beirut, 24 hours we invade Grenada, That was their MO: Change the story, change the Lead, it’s not a new concept. And on Sunday, as Americans were reflecting on 20 years of aggressive war in Afghanistan and the Biden administration was coming under fire for the withdraw, we suddenly find new headlines, “ Shooting erupts and Antifa and Proud Boys clash violently in Portland. ” This shifted real and substantive policy discussions aw...