Goose Hollow Neighborhood Association Meeting Notes
Michelle, a key leader in Multnomah Libertarians sends notes from the recent Goose Hollow Neighborhood Association meeting. There was approx 6 gun shots on the evening of Oct 19th off SW Montgomery and 13th around 10pm and neighbors called 911 in response. Commissioner Mingus Mapps is proposing to hire 300+ more officers. They're having a vote on the budget in November. Apparently there's a monetary "surplus" in the budget. Also 911 (and non-emergency) lines are so overwhelmed that the line will disconnect (on the non-emergency lines) However, it's like they're encouraging the homeless to stay here. They are going to purchase bins to dispose of dirty needles with their funding via bottle returns (blue bags for bottle drop) And "outside in" is actually giving away needles. And there's 108 tents in the Goose Hollow area (they do a monthly count). They also want to use their bottle drop funds to one way transfer homeless to warming shelters, hospi