Multnomah Libertarians Against Measure 26-224 ($450,000,000 PCC bond)

We have filed a measure argument against Measure 26-224. Read the measure here.

Opposition Argument, Measure 26-224 ($450,000,000 PCC bond)


Although PCC provides valuable services, let's take a closer look at this proposal:

This is a BAD bond.

This vague proposal mostly funds small non-capital items and routine maintenance better addressed
though the annual budgeting process. It makes no sense to tax ourselves on the credit card for 16 years
in order to purchase office computers (what they call unspecified “classroom technology”) that will
last only three. 

PCC has seen 23% declining enrollment and has no medium-term need for expanded facilities.
Too often, education bonds turn into slush funds for crony contractors who turn our campuses into
never-ending building projects. Backed by perpetual bond measures, many PCC facilities are overbuilt
and under-used.

At a time of rising inflation and interest rates, this bond won't go very far, yet it will raise the cost of
living for homeowners and renters alike, while having a
disproportionate impact on seniors
living on fixed incomes. Although PCC says your taxes won't go up because their previous blank check
is expiring,
read the fine print: “actual rates may differ and depend on interest rates.”

Managing the public debt and tax burden is one of the most important duties vested to the voters by the
Constitution of Oregon. We should
conserve our $450,000,000.00 debt capacity to
address the critical infrastructure needs affecting our region: rebuilding our decaying and
earthquake-vulnerable bridges and hardening our water resources in the face of environmental challenges.

We urge you to vote NO

Multnomah Libertarians (PAC 22306)

Please support the Multnomah Libertarians PAC as we make the case for self-ownership, property rights and non-aggression in the most populated county in Oregon.

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